I have never been more grateful to have ended up here than at this mad time. Yes, we are almost living normally, so much so that we can forget that the world has gone mad and that it is affecting this country hugely too.

In the past year we have changed our focus: no longer can we just build, converting trash into treasure, to be possibly made into bijoux Airbnb’s that will give us an income. Food production has been our priority and giving our girls some form of education while they are out of school.
I have started writing as friends have told me there is so much that I have learnt that I can pass on: from building using recycled materials, to solar power and water catchment and then of course food: bread making, fermenting, food storage to name but a few.

To live off grid and be utility bill-free is a blessing at the moment. We may be making absolutely no money but we are not spending anything either, as usual here, somehow, we have found a balance! Our children are thriving in places we never imagined they would be and it is a complete and utter joy to have been unexpectedly blessed with our daughters at home, something that fills me with so much happiness, I had to remember to treasure this time with them as then they will be off and I will never ever have them around for this long ever again. That is the most horrible and scary thought, Alex has already gone and so has Maya, it is a hole that never leaves me. I so do not want to ever ever let Tati go but at the same time I want to see this extraordinary young person fly.....
Anyway that’s the intro!!!!
Recipes and pics and how to’s coming up....and if anyone is actually reading this and wants a particular topic, let me know...will do my best!

Wow, just wow! You and your family have an amazing story. What a journey you have taken, what an adventure you are on. It really is quite astonishing what you have accomplished in such a remote and dangerous part of the world. My life is extremely dull in comparison lol. Keep well and stay safe @IamSteWelch, Manchester, UK.